Harwell Photography
Harwell Photography
Charleston, SC

Carolyn & Chris

Carolyn and Chris's hometown wedding weekend was a beautiful tribute to family heritage and love, culminating in a heartfelt ceremony at the cathedral built by Carolyn's great great-grandfather. The entire weekend was filled with a sense of history and tradition, as well as the warmth of their shared community coming together to celebrate their union.

The festivities began with a rehearsal dinner at the Society Hall , where guests mingled and shared stories, setting the tone for the intimate and familial atmosphere of the weekend. Laughter and joy filled the air as friends and family toasted to the happy couple, surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of their hometown.

On the day of the wedding, anticipation filled the air as guests gathered at the Grace Church Cathedral, a testament to Carolyn's family legacy. The soaring arches and intricate stained glass windows provided a stunning backdrop for the ceremony, imbuing the occasion with a sense of reverence and awe.

As Carolyn walked down the aisle in her custom Oscar De La Renta gown, accompanied by her proud parents, Chris's eyes filled with emotion at the sight of his radiant bride. Surrounded by their loved ones, they exchanged vows and rings, promising to cherish and support each other for a lifetime.

After the ceremony, guests moved to a nearby historic Willam Aiken House, where they were greeted with warmth and hospitality. The space was elegantly decorated, with touches of elegant charm and personal details reflecting Carolyn and Chris's love story.

The evening was filled with laughter, tears, and heartfelt toasts as friends and family celebrated the newlyweds. From the first dance to the last song, the dance floor was alive with joy and energy, creating memories that would last a lifetime. The party then moved to the American Theater complete with band and custom movie posters portraying the couple. 

Carolyn and Chris's hometown wedding weekend was a testament to the enduring power of love, family, and tradition. In the cathedral built by Carolyn's great-grandfather, they began their journey as husband and wife, surrounded by the love and support of those who mean the most to them.